Doctrines of Christian Faith: Beliefs

Doctrines of Faith Christian Beliefs

Five Solas: Doctrines of Faith blog website is a Protestant based site based on the following assertions, otherwise known as the Five Solas:

  • Sola Scriptura (“Scripture alone”) The Bible is our final authority. All teachings must be in unity with the teachings of scripture.
  • Sola Fide (“Faith alone”) The Doctrine of Justification by faith, which means removing the guilt and penalties of our sins. Our being justified is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
  • Sola Gratia (“Grace alone”) Doctrine referred to as “saved by grace”; We receive salvation by the grace of God alone, and not through works.
  • Solus Christus (“Christ alone”) We worship no other Gods. Jesus Christ alone is our Lord and Savior, and remains to be the only Mediator between Yahweh and man.
  • Soli Deo Gloria (“to the glory of God alone”): All glory is due to God alone. Praise and exalting shall not be made to man, but rather to God who has created the good Christian works of man. No being shall be worshipped or prayed to, including saints, angels or church hierarchy.

To understand the importance of Christian doctrine, it is crucial to understand the key points in which Christianity is based on. Denominations differ based on various biblical interpretations. The following is a list of various important topics which are expanded upon and further explained throughout this website, based on our beliefs.

Doctrines of Christian Faith:

Doctrines of Faith represents core Christian biblical beliefs which are the central foundation of the teachings found on this website. Beliefs are as follows:

  • Biblical Authority: The bible is the inspired Word of God, fully authoritative over man’s existence. The bible is inerrant, containing no error or faults in it’s teachings. The bible is infallible, a guide to salvation and faith, and cannot fail in it’s promises, prophesies and truth.
  • Trinity: (Latin trinitas “triad”, from trinus “threefold”) Doctrines of Faith subscribes to the doctrine of monotheism. The understanding and recognition that God (Yahweh), The Son (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Spirit exist in unison as one Being, acting as three distinct persons or natures.  The 3 persons of God are distinct from one another, and must be differentiated from one another, not separated. To differentiate one person of God from another means to understand how each operates for it’s purpose. See further explanation of the Trinity here.
  • Deity of Christ: The person of Jesus Christ is both fully God, and fully man. He is the Word spoken of in John 1:1 which states,”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word was made flesh, or converted to human form, in John 1:14. Jesus lived His life as a man, in human body, referred to as the Son of God, in order that the human body could be used as a vehicle to deliver the Divine, Sovereign message of God to humans on earth. See scriptures pertaining to the divinity of Jesus Christ.
  • Resurrection of Christ: Jesus Christ’s body was resurrected on the 3rd day after His death, enforcing the truth of His own prediction that such would happen. He appeared to earthly humans several times after His resurrection, thereafter ascending to heaven after 40 days.
  • Christ’s Atonement on the Cross: Christ died a sacrificial death in order that He would atone for our sins. This provided a way out, or a ticket to be forgiven by Christ who saves, allowing us redemption. Forgiveness is achieved through supplication in prayer. The atonement of Christ allows us an opportunity to be with Him in heaven. The atonement replaces the early laws which dictated and held that forgiveness was obtained through sacrifice of animal blood (Leviticus). The final sacrifice of Christ is substantial enough for salvation through Him, without the need for further blood sacrifice.
  • Saved by Grace through Faith, not by works It is by grace (Jesus’ favor) that we have salvation. We cannot earn salvation through works.



Chosen by God (Study on the elect)


doctrines of faith beliefs

It is my earnest hope that the work of Doctrines of Faith blog will allow all who read it to be energized through the Holy Spirit, eager to seek Christ and know more about how He works, and fill hearts with the peace which can only be provided by God. My words cannot provide such things, but merely assist in planting the seed, so that the Holy Spirit of our Father in heaven may water the seed to produce fruit.

May our Savior Jesus Christ be with you always in your search for holiness. God’s grace to you and to all those throughout the land who make Christ their own.