Christian Prayer for Help with Anger

Prayer for Help with Anger

Many of us at times feel like a hypocrite. It is of no surprise, considering our natural attraction to sin, whether big or small. We are conditioned based on our surroundings, experiences, temptations, and even triumphs. We are taught to love, yet at times we react with anything but the love we are preaching to others.  I want to provide you with a general prayer for those who have become choked in spirit, and have a hard time praying. Review the words, allow them to sink in, meditate on where you stand in such situations, and speak to God about your own issue. Know that all who have known happiness have at some time known anger. But, what are we doing with that anger? Is it hurting us more than we know? If you feel that you need help, here is a Christian prayer for help with anger.


Lord, please accept my pleading for Your mercy. I am nothing more than a sinner, a hypocrite, and yet You have told me that Your grace is sufficient for me. I speak to you as a friend and ask that You will hear my cries for You to lead me away from a spirit of disobedience.  My temper and my anger has at times been overwhelming. At work, when I feel slighted, when I feel lied to, when I feel they are not doing their job, I cannot remember the fruits of Your Spirit. It builds up. I do not treat them with the kindness You have instructed me to show my fellow man. Even in times when unbelievers speak against you, I can feel the rising of righteous indignation, and I cannot stay calm. I cannot see things with diplomacy. I sometimes seek to pay them back for what they’ve done. This is wrong, and I know in my heart that I must do all things in love. Forgive me that I have not been kind, calm and loving when they have afflicted me. God forgive me that I’ve turned into what I despise. I’m embarrassed to be in your Holy sight, and ask that You forgive me Father for this thorn in my flesh that I can’t seem to get rid of on my own. Please remove me from anything that makes me feel the anger that you despise. God,  please remove it out of my life. I’m not always like this. The opposers know my weakness and the mighty lion exploits it in me, so that it is more plain than the clothes I wear. And as such, I do not look like Your follower, because I have not shown love.

Forgive me Father, I do not deserve Your mercy, but I ask that You grant me Your favor and loving grace, and correct my ways. Let me walk straight and narrow, the only way that rightly leads to You.  My Father, Christ Jesus, have mercy on me and keep my enemies away. Protect me with your angels, and lead me to righteousness in my walk with You. Light my path with Your Holy Spirit, and gently remind my conscience when I step out of line. See my desire to be holy, Father, and wash me clean in white garments. Separate me from that which is against Your Will for me, and lead me in purity.  In Your Holy name, bless me with Your unending love. I worship You, rely on You, and depend on You solely for removing this sin in completion. Let Your Will be done, and accept my humble gratitude for all of Your blessings. Thank you for your redemption, Father, and for giving me yet another day to be grateful for all You have provided.  In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I ask these things in full submission to You, My Loving Savior. Amen.

May you be blessed in knowing that you have obtained the grace of God, a free gift which cannot be undone. May the Spirit of God indwell in your heart during your times of affliction. God’s grace to you always.