Bible Trivia Questions: Beginners Bible Trivia


Skill level: Easy Bible Questions

Test your bible knowledge and take a bible trivia questions test for beginner students of the bible.

How well do you know the Bible? See if you are able to fly right through a beginner bible trivia questions, or breeze through an intermediate bible test. How about an advanced bible trivia quiz? I will be adding additional quizzes for various levels of bible students. Start by taking this Beginner’s Bible test, and see how many you get right. After completing the test, your results will be emailed to you for free if you provide your email address.  Please feel free to challenge your friends and share this post on your Facebook page by clicking the Facebook icon below.

About the Beginner’s Bible Trivia Test

The test contains 20 questions. These bible trivia questions are well suited for those on a beginner level, and include basics from the bible. Content is based on the Old Testament and the New Testament. Whether you’re a child who has some knowledge from church or Sunday school, or a teen who has a desire to brush up on bible basics, an adult who has just begun your spiritual bible journey, or even an adult who hasn’t read the bible in a while, anyone can take this test. There are even scripture hints to assist you under some questions if you want to follow along in the bible, and find the answers on your own if you get stumped.

Need help?

Want to look up scriptures? Use this bible website, which will open in a new tab, so you can search for answers. If no hints are given to the question, go to the top search box once you get to the website, and type your keywords. For example, if the question is “Where was Jesus crucified?”, you may type in “Jesus crucified” in the search box, and look for scriptures that show you the answers. Then, come back to this page and choose your answer.

Coming Soon:

Come back to check for additional bible trivia questions and quizzes which are coming soon.

Good luck, and have fun!

Beginner's Bible Trivia Quiz

Beginner’s Bible Trivia Quiz

Skill Level: Easy Bible Questions

Test your bible knowledge and take the bible trivia questions test for beginner students of the bible. How well do you know your bible? See if you are able to fly right through the beginner bible trivia questions, or breeze through an intermediate bible trivia test. How about an advanced bible trivia test? I will be adding additional quizzes for various levels of bible students. Start by taking this Beginner’s Bible Trivia quiz and see how many you get right.

Please feel free to post this or any other bible trivia quiz on Facebook, and challenge friends for the best score! To share the quiz, click on the Facebook icon below.

About the Beginner’s Bible Trivia Test

The test contains 20 questions. These bible trivia questions are well suited for those on a beginner level, and include basics from the bible. Whether you’re a child who has some knowledge from church or Sunday school, or a teen looking to brush up on bible basics, or an adult who is either starting your bible journey or brushing up after some time away, this bible trivia quiz is an excellent kick start to see how much you can remember. Anyone can take this test! There are even some scripture hints under the questions if you get stumped, or want to follow along in your bible.

Need help? Want to look up scriptures? Use this website which will open in a new tab, so you can search for answers if you don’t have a bible handy. If no hints are given to the question, go to the bible website, go to top search bar and enter your keywords. For example, if the question is “Where was Jesus crucified?” type in “Jesus crucified” in the search box and look for scriptures that show you the answers.

Coming soon:

Come back to check for additional Bible Trivia questions and quizzes soon. Enjoy the Bible Trivia questions provided to you by Doctrines of Faith.

Need a Kid’s Bible Trivia Quiz? Go here!