Unshakable Faith: A Gift from God
Dedicated to Peter E.
Every now and then, we come across someone who is a great inspiration to all who know them. Someone who, even when faced with life’s biggest challenges, keeps their faith in God without complaining. Someone who teaches us through our own lives that we need to be more grateful, humble and appreciative for the rich blessings life offers. Someone with unshakable faith; that which is a blessed gift from God.
Peter has been suffering from cancer for a few years. In that time I have spoken to him here and there, sometimes after one of his treatments, sometimes when he was in remission. There was not a time when I ever saw Peter complain. There was never a time when Peter didn’t ask how I was doing, even if he was suffering himself.
Today, Peter announced that Hospice Care has been brought in for his remaining time on earth. In his announcement, he was sure to make it known that he spent time in gratitude toward all those who supported and loved him through his illness. Reading such words were as painful as they were inspiring, knowing that even at such a time, people mourned while Peter showed strength and courage. If he has fears, he doesn’t show them. If he is at all down, he doesn’t say so, but rather makes sure everyone knows that he is grateful for their love. What an example to someone like me, who finds it easy to complain about the trivial things in life, and feel aches and pains in my body and think the world is coming to an end due to the stress of daily life.
This reminds me of Job, a great man of faith who underwent great suffering. Never did Job blame God, even through illness and loss. Never did he say he would turn his back on God or give the slightest hint that any of this was God’s fault. Job was a man of faith. He knew of the Lord’s love, and he kept his faith in Him, just as the Lord knew he would. While Job’s life had turned inside out, he never dared to make it God’s fault.
In our daily lives, it’s easy to look at suffering and think, “Why me?” It is also easy to want to give up, feeling like we have lost things that can’t again be retrieved, such as an old flame, a job, a friend, a partner. It is something all together different when you realize that someone out there is actually suffering ten times worse, and has nothing bad or negative to say. It makes you step back and think.
I dedicate this article to all those out there like Peter, who have faced some of the worst challenges, and still stayed in faith. Surely a blessing of such great faith comes only from God, Himself. Surely, it does not go unsaid that such rare people leave a mark in this world that so many of us should learn from. In the midst of suffering, it is wise to ask ourselves if we have shown sincere gratitude for the things we do have. Have we really given glory to God by thanking Him for our daily blessings, even when it is hardest?
While my heart thinks of Peter with fondness, compassion, and a bit of sadness for what he has faced, I am also given inspiration knowing that he has a hope for tomorrow with the Lord in his sight, whether it be in the near future or some time from now. He is aware of the Lord’s promises and God has put it in Peter’s heart to remain steadfast like an immovable man of Christian honor. If only we all possessed such great and admirable faith. Sometimes even those who profess the greatest faith tend to weaken. Instead of weakening, Peter set up a foundation for cancer awareness. He has faithfully reminded everyone to get screening done, watch their eating habits, and stay in tune with their health. Still, continues helping others though he isn’t feeling well… and he will continue to have an effect for much time to come.
Please keep Peter in your prayers around the world. He is a great man, whom I admire wholeheartedly. Pray too for others who lack in faith, that the Lord will grant them additional strength and comfort. I’m sure there are a lot of Peters out there, but none who I come across often. I ask the Lord to provide us all with a valuable and inspiring burst of hope in the coming of heavenly Jerusalem, and all the gifts which it has to offer. The promises of God are no trivial matter. We must keep our sights set on the things above, looking forward to glorious eternal life with Christ Jesus. This is our mission no matter what we face on earth. We must never doubt for a second that our Father in heaven sees all, and has the power to call out the hearts of men and women around the world, to accomplish his purpose. In this case, Peter has touched the lives of folks he has never even met. And this is an exceptional quality which is, to say the least, so rare to find.
Thank the Lord for what you have today. Appreciate what you’ve been given. Lay toxic interruptions aside that interfere with your focus on the heavenly kingdom of God. Pray for those in need, and glorify He who walks beside you, no matter what. Continually pray for the unshakable faith that so many need during their times of suffering.
Jesus said,
John 14:2-6 “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? And you know the way to where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
God’s grace to Peter, and to all who have been blessed in their journey, being introduced to Christ Jesus, and praying for increase in faith. May we always keep the love of the Lord and unshakable faith in our hearts, as we spend our time here on earth. Undoubtedly, a finer place exists in heaven, and we take comfort in knowing that the Lord will someday welcome each of us to this most majestic paradise, more beautiful, peaceful, and full of glory than we could ever imagine.
You’re a rare person, Peter, and I am praying in faith for you often. You’ve been given such a gift of affecting others no matter what you are going through. I believe the Lord is working through you and will continue to do so. Anything can happen where God is in control. May He continue to bless you in your positive, strong spirit, and remind you continually of His never ending love.
Christian Affliction & Suffering