Is Hate in the Bible? Does God Hate? (Scriptural References)

Is Hatred in the Bible? Does God Hate Anyone? (Scripture References)

Everywhere we look, we are surrounded by hate. Aside from marital destruction and spats and hatred between schoolyard enemies, the bigger picture has become quite surreal. The state of the world and society as we know it has largely become a battleground of race wars, religious feuds, civilians versus authority, and political mayhem. No matter which “side” you’re on in any of the above, there is a dangerous road many are walking. The road to hate.

It isn’t difficult to see the things that spawn the divisiveness and fuel the flames. The media can rile the people. The injustices of evil can rattle even the meekest of persons, provoking them to loathe the wrongdoers.


In the Name of God

Let’s take religious differences. They say, “Love the sinner. Hate the sin.” However, a brief look at the recent years’ events reveals an increase in Islamic extremism that has rattled the nations to their core. The demonic possession of those who kill in the name of Islam have caused a shockwave across the world, the likes of which we have not seen in our lifetime. Christians have begun to rise together and stand up for Christ. The battle of atheism vs Christianity seems to have taken a back seat in many cases. The bigger war has taken place between those who stand up for and defend God, and those who make a mockery of Him. For example, a Christian and Muslim begin to debate online. Both are from opposite ends of the globe. Neither plan on understanding why the other believes as they do. Instead, the disagreement turns to egotism, which turns to a debate. The debate can easily turn to disgust and a feeling of hatred.


Hatred in the Bible

Hatred is exhibited in the bible and has been in man since the fall. There is no easier emotion to feel vindicated by. There’s no other emotion that can cause a release of frustration like hatred. There’s also no other emotion that can cause a man to feel justified in feeling  hate as when he hates injustice in the name of God. If God hates it, we are to hate it.


Old Testament Hatred

Psalm 26:5 I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked.

Psalm 31:6 I hate those who regard vein idols. But I trust in the Lord.

Psalm 97:10 “Let those who love the Lord hate evil”

Psalm 119:104 From Your precepts I get understanding; Therefore I hate every false way.

Ecclesiastes 3:8 A time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

Malachi 1:3 but I have hated Esau, and I have made his mountains a desolation and appointed his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness.”


The word hate occurs 43 times in 41 verses of the bible.

New Testament Hatred

Jesus spoke multiple times in the New Testament about His followers who would be hated. As He was first hated, so then would we be hated. It is biblical, as shown in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Amongst the most profound scriptures on hate, see:

Hebrews 1:9

Without question, God anoints those who hate lawlessness.

What Is Hatred of Lawlessness?

Lawlessness: Strongs G458, “anomia“;
Outline of biblical usage:
I. the condition of without law
a. because ignorant of it
b. because of violating it
II. contempt and violation of law, iniquity, wickedness
Definition (Strong’s):
Illegality, violation of the law, wickedness, unrighteousness

Lawlessness, as described above, can be seen here:

Matthew 13:41 “The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness.

Matthew 24:12 even predicted what would happen in the midst of mankind turning lawless.

“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold”.

It was therefore already known by God that the witnessing of evil would result in diminished love for others. This was foretold, and it has begun to become more prominent than ever.

Sin IS lawlessness

1 John 3:4 Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.

Rom 6:19 I am speaking in human terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves to impurity and to lawlessness, resulting in further lawlessness, so now present your members as slaves to righteousness, resulting in sanctification.


Practice of Lawlessness

Are therefore then all who practice lawlessness to be viewed as unrighteous? Certainly. Those who are not sanctified through the Spirit are viewed as practicers of sin. Those who have no faith in God are considered to be detrimental to our own righteousness.


Unequally Yoked Does Not Mean to Hate or Shun

2Co 6:14 Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Matthew 5:22 Jesus discusses not to be angry with our brothers. We also are commanded not to insult them, or we will be held accountable.

Conclusion based on biblical scripture:

The bible speaks of hatred. We as followers of Christ would be hated. Those who work lawlessness are sinners and we are to hate the act of lawlessness by those who have no faith in God. Lawless people must turn to Christ in order to receive sanctification (holiness) and a change of heart. This is done by the work of the Holy Spirit, if the person is truly chosen by God to be a follower. Those who are unbelievers with no faith in Christ are the lawless ones whom we should not be bound together with in close personal relationships. This doesn’t mean to shun them entirely. It means not to be bound together or yoked with them, “like the union of beasts of different kinds”. We are to hate the lawlessness (sins) which are spoken against in the bible. We have the right as Christians to keep away from those who have no faith in Christ if it is detrimental to our spirituality, for instance, provoking feelings which we may be held accountable for. We have the right to hate what God detests. As such, we show ourselves as true followers of Christ.


To study more on hate, go here for a Ligonier article with more scripture references.